Networking as an Introvert.

For those that know me personally, they know that it can take a bit to get my true personality to come to the surface. I consider myself an initial introvert until I truly get a chance to settle in to a relationship. The chances of me initiating a conversation are slim to none. I like my groups small and intimate and usually feel overwhelmed in larger crowds. When I first decided to start my own business I secretly hoped that everyone would magically know about me, that all of my dream clients would come flowing directly to me. Wishful thinking, I know.

The idea of networking honestly put my stomach in knots. Unfortunately all I kept hearing from everyone was that networking was necessary in order to get myself out there and build the relationships I was going to need. I was used to sitting behind the pen and paper and not having to show my face let alone have conversations with people I didn’t know

Networking Group

Babes in Business Breakfast Club at Spirit and Soul, Babylon NY

I had been following a local networking group for women owned businesses on Instagram for a while - admiring the events and the connections they had all seem to make - but from afar, the way I liked it. Buuut, eventually I spontaneously made myself buy a ticket to one of their events not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I contemplated asking one of my friends to come along with me but I knew this was something I should challenge myself to do alone. As I was driving to the event my heart was racing and my stomach was in knots but as badly as I wanted to turn around, I knew I had to do this. I walked into the event and immediately wanted to go home. I started to aimlessly walk around - visited with some of the vendors and checked out what they were offering. One woman came up to me and we had a nice conversation and I was so thankful for her and her bravery to approach me. Then the time came for her to move on & I found myself aimlessly walking around again. I recognized a few ladies from Instagram but couldn’t get up the nerve to go and talk to them. The woman who runs the networking group spotted me and could tell that I was ‘lost’. She came up to me and asked me my name and what I did and we had a very nice conversation. I admitted that this was my first event which she clearly could tell & why she sought me out. I met a few more ladies and listened to a very inspiring panel of speakers as the night went on. After leaving the event, I was so happy that I had stuck it out.

I learned a few things from that event.

  • I can do hard things.

  • Networking doesn’t have to be as scary as it may seem.

  • You aren’t the only person in the room that is nervous.

  • Not all networking events are the same & you will learn which ones are right for you.

Since going to this event, I have been to many more events this group puts on but I have decided to go to more intimate events rather than the larger ones. I am more at ease at these events - getting to know smaller groups one bit at a time. They are more my speed.

I have settled in nicely to this group & have met some truly amazing people. I am no longer scared, I actually can’t wait for the next events to be scheduled.

Networking doesn’t have to be scary - you just have to find what and who is right for you!


Getting Laid Off.