Popular Opinion: Business is Personal.

Ever since I have been a full time business owner I have had to come up with ways to be the most time efficient possible. It took me a while to understand that my business is personal—not just in the way I connect with clients or create, but in how I integrate my well-being into my work. I have always been an advocate for taking care of myself but have always found it ‘hard to find the time’. Whenever all of my routines and healthy habits are in order personally - I always feel like the best version of myself. I show up better as a person overall - as a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister. Now I am learning that I also show up as the best version of a business owner when I take care of myself. It takes some organizing and strategy but here is how I found the balance that might help you do the same.

Schedule Self-Care Like a Client Meeting

There are a lot of times when I treat self-care as something optional—something I’d do if I had time. But I quickly realized that I would come up with excuses and push it back to another time. Now, I schedule self-care activities just like I would a meeting with a client. Whether it’s a morning walk, a 30-minute meditation, or simply stepping away from the desk for lunch, these appointments are non-negotiable. If you really want to get creative, while you’re on your walk - listen to a business development podcast! I like to use a block out time in my calendar and set reminders. Treat these blocks as you would any other commitment—reschedule only if absolutely necessary.

Create a Morning Routine That Sets the Tone

I’ve found that how I start my day has a huge impact on how I navigate the challenges of running a business. My morning routine includes a bit of journaling, a cup of coffee, and a workout of some kind. I find that a ‘strict’ routine really sets the tone for my day. I am the type of person that will continuously think about ‘getting in a workout’ until I actually do it so I prefer to get it over with first thing in the morning. Make yours something that you will look forward to - not something you dread because you feel as though you have to do it. It doesn’t have to take an hour - it could be something quick but just something that sets the tone for a great day ahead.

Batch Tasks for Greater Efficiency

One of the most effective strategies I’ve implemented is batching similar tasks together. For example, I set aside specific days for client meetings, production, and admin work. This way, I’m not constantly switching gears, which can be mentally exhausting. I set aside days that are specifically for blogging or writing my newsletter. If you can’t feel as though you can start with specific days maybe try and do specific times of each day. My mornings always start with checking and tackling emails. I like to get back to people as soon as possible rather than having that weigh over my head all day long.

Set Boundaries That Honor Both Work and Life

In the beginning, I struggled with saying “no” to last-minute requests or working late into the night. But I’ve learned that setting boundaries is crucial—not just for my well-being, but for the quality of my work. I now have clear business hours and a policy for rush jobs that respects both my time and my clients’ needs. There will always be exceptions to this rule but I try my hardest to manage my time efficiently enough where I am only working during specific times. I also have an automatic reply in place when someone reaches out through email so my clients are fully aware of the expected time frame of my response back. This takes away the pressure of having to have an immediate response.

Delegate and Outsource When Possible

I used to think I had to do everything myself to ensure it was done right. But as my business grows, I am realizing that trying to do it all is not only unrealistic but also unsustainable. I’ve slowly started to delegated tasks like my accounting and printing services. I know there are still many more tasks that I can delegate but these will come with time for sure! Delegating allows me to focus on what I love—the creating.

Reflect and Adjust Regularly

Running a business is a lot of work & emotions but so is maintaining a work-life balance. I’ve made it a habit to regularly reflect on what’s working and what isn’t, both in my business and my self-care routine. This reflection helps me make necessary adjustments, ensuring that I’m not just surviving, but thriving. My husband and I actually have a check in text throughout the day when he is at work which literally asks ‘Surviving or Thriving’? I like to set aside a day a month or at least a quarterly check in to see what is working and what is not. Reflection is super important to me and really easy way to support my growth overall.

Did any of these resonate with you?

My work is personal—every piece I create is a reflection of the care and attention I bring to my clients’ vision. By taking care of myself, I’m ensuring that I can continue to bring my best self to my business every day. Personal care and running a smooth business don’t have to conflict - you can make them work together! It is an every day work in progress but these are the best ways I know how to combine the two.

For now!


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